Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Moving in...

Ok so my name is Jennifer and I am 27. I have been married and now divorced for two years. The last two years I have had some financial difficulties having to live on my own in NJ so I was contemplating moving back home. With much thought and consideration I decided that I needed to save my money so I can better support myself on my own, so I decided to move home for a year. So two months of building a room and cleaning out my family's basement...

Moving day arrives...woke up hungover, after a well needed night out, to move all my stuff too my parent's town (which now makes my commute to work about an hour and change)...Take two trips with three vehichles and when I get there, have no where to really store my things. Think of the TV show hoarders,(but not as gross) and you can get an idea of the amount of stuff my family has accumulated over the years!!!

Ok so all moved in and now I am beat, and then I hear news that the next day my family invited friends that they met on Facebook poker chat to come stay at our house. Ok so you have to understand that we already have 6 people living in this small house with only one shower and now you add on two more people, who ended up being very nice people, to come stay the weekend that I move in. So day two of living home, I am right back to cleaning the house like I used to do when I was younger. Then on top of that they stay two days instead of one, and end up sleeping in my bedroom so I then am sleeping on the couch.

This may not sound as bad as it is but you really don't understand yet my living situtation and my past. Everyday since I had decided that I had to move home, I have cried. I hope this year goes by quick and I am sure my family will keep me motivated to save money just by them being themselves.

So I am at work and already have co-workers asking me to stay with them...


  1. I'm glad you're doing this, the journal part. It's like having a diary again and hiding it from your parents. ;) -monica

  2. Good read! This year is going to fly by, you know you're always welcome to stay in our spare room whenever you need to.
